In-Company Training

Coaching and workshops

Increase your intercultural effectiveness

In essence, we all have the potency to adapt to any cultural pattern. Yet in interaction with the people of the culture in which we grow up, we learn the dominant pattern of that culture. Hence we develop habits regarding how we perceive, judge and act.

In our coaching and training programmes, we arouse awareness of participant's value patterns and tempt them to be appreciative of those of others, while remaining authentic. We do this by stimulating self-exploration and give central stage to human dignity as an expression of authenticity.

The different value patterns offer a language to discuss a deeper level of diversity without the need to reduce people to one social identity, essentializing human beings to one element of who they are. This creates room to approach differences in a humanizing, inclusive and loving manner.   

Personal development

Humanistic coaching programme

Target group: anyone interested in increasing their sense of wellbeing

All learning starts with self-reflection. In this humanistic coaching programme, we guide you on the path of  self-exploration and give central stage to human dignity as an expression of authenticity.

This coaching programme will help you reflect on questions such as: What drives me? What do I value, and why? What gives purpose and meaning to my life? What do I expect from (personal and/or professional) relationships? How can I feel more fulfilled at work? 

Coaching based on humanistic principles means we view human beings as valuable beings  with inherent dignity, who strive for wellbeing rather than wealth.  We take a holistic view of human nature; we celebrate human complexity and do not isolate any aspect of the human person to explain behavior. 

 Our coaching programmes are tailor made based on an intake interview.  

Key take-aways

Increase self-awareness: become aware of how you substantiate and prioritise universal human drives and values in your own unique way

Increase self-appreciation: recognize your authentic self as a developing, dynamic self, always contextual and relational

Improve your relations: understanding yourself better helps to connect to others authentically, from a place of love and attention

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Leadership development

Humanistic coaching programme

Target group: managers and team leaders of culturally diverse teams

 Every value pattern serves a need for making sense of the world. No one pattern is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. There is no universal best way, but there is a way that works best for you. 

Recognising and understanding value patterns  is key when working in an intercultural setting, as cultural diversity implies the presence of a variety of value patterns. Although recognising and understanding varying value patterns in yourself and in others is a cognitive exercise, becoming effective in a (culturally) diverse environment takes practice too. You have to be able and willing to see beyond the self-evidence of your own behaviour, and learn to vary in your expression of behaviour, depending on what the situations requires. You will have to leave your comfort zone in order to broaden your behavioural repertoire.

Coaching can help you do just that. 

Our coaching programmes are tailor made based on an intake interview.  

Key take-aways

Increase cultural awareness: recognize and appreciate different value patterns.

Increase self-awareness: understand better what drives and motivates you

Increase interpersonal effectiveness: understand better what drives and motivates others

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Quick guide

Build cultural sensitivity

Workshop cultural awareness
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Develop cultural competence

Workshop cultural effectiveness
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Humanizing diversity management

Unboxing DEI          (diversity, incusion & equity)

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Integrating human dignity in your team

Create a culture of human dignity

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Build cultural sensitivity 

Workshop cultural awareness

Target group: intercultural team members (who can be part of different teams)

This one-day workshop is all about learning to recognise and understand cultural patterns in people at work.

All learning starts with self-awareness. In order to increase your intercultural effectiveness you need to reflect on your own cultural pattern first. What are my strengths and my weaknesses, how do others perceive me, and what could be the consequences?

The next step is to take an appreciative point of view towards others, even if you perceive their behaviour as strange, abnormal, unpredictable or frustrating. This requires you to postpone judgement.

No one pattern is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. In order to improve performance, reframing different cultural patterns as new and potentially useful will help you transform cultural tensions into opportunities.

Key take-aways

Increase awareness of the impact of cultural differences on effective teamwork

Become aware of your own cultural pattern and learn how others perceive your behaviour

Learn to postpone judgement and appreciate different cultural patterns of behaviour
Improve performance by reframing different cultural patterns as new and potentially useful

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Develop cultural competence

Workshop cultural effectiveness

Target group: intercultural teams

In his two-day workshop, the development of cultural competence is a shared responsibility.  

In this workshop,  team members  will increase awareness and appreciation of their own cultural value patterns and those of their colleagues. They will learn to recognize and understand the different value patterns, and how they impact cooperation, communication and leadership expectations. 

Through dialogue, participants will reflect on the value patterns present in the team in the context of the corporate and professional cultural, evaluating threats and opportunities in their capacity to build cultural competence.

This workshop is fully customized to your business reality, and includes a minimum of three pre-workshop interviews and online cultural profiling for all participants. 

Key take-aways

Increase awareness and appreciation of different value patterns in your team.

Recognize and understand the impact of the value patterns present in the team on cooperation, communication and leadership.

Contextualize value patterns within the corporate and professional culture.
Become more effective as a team by capitalizing on the different value patterns present.

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Humanizing diversity management

Unboxing DEI

Target group: management teams & DEI teams

In this one-day workshop, we challenge those in charge of diversity, inclusion and equity (DEI) in organizations to re-evaluate their diversity management practices, explicitly connecting diversity to human dignity as an expression of authenticity. Do current practices protect, respect and promote human dignity? Are practices humanizing, inclusive and focused on care and development?  Is there room for improvement, and if so, where?

Most current diversity management practices are harmful, leading people to feel limited and reduced, as the imposed essentialist classification to – for example - someone’s nationality, gender or sexual orientation, defines the self too narrowly. Humanizing diversity practices do not focus on any type of categorization, but encourage equal treatment of all employees without ignoring differences, creating a culture in which everyone is heard and appreciated for who they are.

By shifting attention from diversity characteristics present in individual team members, to diversity as a pattern of drives and values that vary between team members and different organizational actors, we offer a language that can address the differences present in a humanizing way.  

Key take-aways

Connect diversity management practices to the experience of human dignity

Become aware of potentially harmful diversity management practices

Learn how different levels of the organization (can) support or violate different aspects of the experience of human dignity

 Learn how to humanize DEI practices by putting human dignity at its core

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Integrating human dignity in your (global) team

Create a culture of human dignity

Target group: leaders of culturally diverse teams

In this two-day workshop, we support leaders in creating a team culture based on human dignity. Protecting inherent human dignity is not enough in order for team members to flourish. Putting human dignity at the core of leading culturally diverse teams requires more: respect and promotion of human dignity as an expression of authenticity. Curious leaders, who are able to recognize the tensions present between individual team members, and between team members and actors on different levels of the organization, are essential when aiming to integrate human dignity in a global team. 

The experience of human dignity is not just universally human, it is also culturally specific and extremely personal. Although diversity characteristics on the individual level influence the experience of human dignity, it is a deeper level of diversity, based on different prioritization and substantiation of drives and values, that is key in addressing the differences present.

Tensions between organizational drives and values on the one hand, and drives and values important to team members on the other hand, cannot be resolved, but can be managed to protect, respect and promote human dignity. Managers can facilitate this process using reflective dialogues in their teams.

Facilitating such a dialogue successfully is a vital management skill. By tapping in to the collective wisdom of the team,  all patterns can be acknowledged as valuable and expressed without judgment. Leaders and managers have a special role when it comes to creating a culture of human dignity. By facilitating reflective dialogues on the main tensions and dualities present, leaders can facilitate the process of creating a humanizing, inclusive and caring culture.

Key take-aways

Recognize and understand different cultural value patterns present in team members

Recognize and understand different cultural value patterns present in actors on different organizational levels

Recognize and understand the main tensions present that may hinder a humanizing, inclusive and caring culture to emerge

Facilitate a reflective dialogue within your team on the most important tensions and dualities present that potentially harm human dignity

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